Update – Development Application at 220 Lake Promenade

The development proposal at 220 Lake Promenade is currently being reviewed and evaluated by planning staff.

The current application is for:

  • The phased demolition of the five existing 7-storey rental apartment buildings on the subject site.

  • The construction of a total of five new residential apartment buildings with heights ranging from 12 to 30 storeys, including two rental buildings and three condominium buildings.

You can find all publicly available files for this application here.

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Over the last number of weeks – through emails, phone calls, and in public meetings – issues have been raised with regards to this proposed development from tenants and neighbours of the existing buildings. Many expressed concerns for the financial and well-being impacts of current tenants, the capacity of the local infrastructure and amenities to handle added density, the potential impact to the tree canopy, and the potential impact to the Cenotaph memorial.

My team and I have met with City Planning staff and the applicant to ensure that resident concerns are heard and appropriately addressed, and we will continue to monitor this application as it is revised. At this point, I can share that the current development plans do not include any changes to the memorial.

My priority throughout this application process is the well-being of the current tenants of the building and to mitigate other potential negative impacts. The City has policies and requirements for the demolition & replacement of rental housing, including the right to a replacement unit and this advice:

“The approval of rental housing demolition applications can be a lengthy process. It may take several months or even years. During this time you can stay in your home.”

We have met with the City staff assigned to manage the rental replacement process for this application. In cooperation with our office, this team will be hosting two meetings for tenants to inform tenants of their rights, discuss the tenant relocation and assistance process, and answer questions. We are working with City staff and the applicant to set a date and location for the first meeting.

Upcoming Consultation Opportunities

You will be notified by mail of several upcoming opportunities for engagement on this development, including:

  • Virtual Community Consultation (open to the public) – June 27th, 7–9pm, WebEx (register here)

  • In-person Community Consultation (open to the public) – July 5th, 7–9pm, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 101

    • This meeting will cover the same content as the virtual CCM on June 27th, and was arranged to ensure access for those who are unable to join virtually. As space is limited, please consider joining the virtual meeting on June 27th if you can, to save space for your neighbours who can't.

  • Tenant Consultation #1 (open only to tenants) – Date + Location TBD

  • Tenant Consultation #2 (open only to tenants) – Date + Location TBD

  • Public Meeting at Community Council – Date TBD, Etobicoke Civic Centre

Tenant Resources

If you are a tenant of the existing rental buildings looking for information and support, please:

Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

Please reach out to:

  • Eno Rebecca Udoh-Orok, Senior Planner ([email protected]), the City planner assigned to this development

  • Matt Cook, Director of Operations ([email protected]), my team’s neighbourhood lead for Long Branch

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