Development Applications

Our ward has a significant amount of development planned and underway. These applications stand out – either for the affordable, accessible, supportive, or other non-market housing they provide, or for their impact on current + neighbouring residents.

See all development applications under review by the City here, and all Building Permit applications here!

Houselink and Mainstay Community Housing is Toronto’s largest nonprofit supportive housing agency. Their proposal for a new affordable and rental community housing development at 140 The Queensway helps to address a critical need for high quality, accessible, and stable housing for seniors with low incomes. The new building will be six-stories with 38 one-bedroom apartments. Many of the units will be fully accessible and barrier free, and this project will be highly energy efficient. Funding for this project is through The City of Toronto’s Open Door Program and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Learn more about this project here!

The Canadian Helen Keller Centre (CHKC) is a registered not-for-profit corporation that provides deeply affordable rental housing and support services for deafblind individuals. In accordance with this mission, they are undertaking the redevelopment of 150 Eighth Street in partnership with the City of Toronto as part of the Rapid Housing Initiative. This 56-unit affordable and accessible apartment building will help reduce CHKC’s waitlist and give more people with a combination of hearing and vision loss access to an independent life. So far, CHKC has secured $32 million of the $38 million needed to complete the project.

Learn more about this project here!

The current development applications to the City are for phased demolition of the five existing 7-storey rental apartment buildings, and construction of a total of five new residential apartment buildings with heights ranging from 12 to 30 storeys, including two rental buildings and three condominium buildings.

Learn more about this project and how to get engaged here, and find the application information here.