Tell Me About Automatic Speed Enforcement

Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is an automated system that uses a camera and a speed measurement device to detect and capture images of vehicles travelling in excess of the posted speed limit. It is designed to work in tandem with other methods and strategies, including engineering measures, education initiatives and traditional police enforcement. ASE is focused on altering driver behaviour to decrease speeding and increase safety.

The images are reviewed by Provincial Offence Officers and then tickets are issued to the owner of the vehicle regardless of who was driving. Upon conviction, the only penalty is a fine – no demerit points will be issued nor will the registered owners’ driving record be impacted.

Locations are selected through a data-driven approach that considers vehicle speed and collision data. As mandated by the provincial government, ASE systems are placed in Community Safety Zones.

75 ASE systems are installed on local, collector and arterial roads in Community Safety Zones. There are three systems per ward to ensure an even distribution.

The ASE systems are mobile and will rotate every three to six months within each ward. This provides an opportunity to address a greater number of areas with safety concerns and provide a wider-ranging deterrent effect. “Coming soon” warning signs will be posted 90 days before ticketing begins at any new ASE location. Warning letters will not be issued.

Site Selection

In selecting ASE sites, a two-staged process was used that was developed based on best practices and provincial guidelines.

Stage 1: First, an initial screening of all Community Safety Zones were identified and prioritized based on the following data:

  • Collisions involving children
  • Collisions where a vulnerable road user was killed or seriously injured
  • Vehicle speed data
  • 24-hour traffic volume
  • Percent of students within walking distance
  • Requests from Police and the public

Stage 2: Once the sites were prioritized, a manual review of the site was conducted which included the following considerations:

  • Necessary regulatory and advisory signage (Community Safety Zone, Speed Limit, and ASE);
  • No obstructions or impediments to the equipment;
  • Adequate boulevard space to accommodate the equipment;
  • No planned road work;
  • No sharp curves or extreme grading changes;
  • No speed limit reductions planned;
  • Adequate distance from speed limit transitions; and
  • Cannot have the presence of a flashing 40km/h speed limit reduction sign.

Once sites are assessed, operational considerations may result in minor adjustments to site prioritizations.

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