Traffic calming is a term used to describe a combination of mostly physical features that are intended to improve traffic use on local collector streets, alter driver behaviour and improve safety conditions for everyone who uses the street.
Some of the most common types of traffic calming measures are traffic circles, raised circles in the middle of intersections that are intended to slow the speed of vehicles as they travel around the circle; choker, chicane or pinch points, devices that create an impediment on the road by placing a fixed object on the street, forcing motorists to divert around the object or slow down on a narrower section of road; and speed humps, raised sections of road to reduce speeds.
Traffic calming has been used successfully to reduce vehicle speeds in residential neighbourhoods. Speed humps are one of the most popular traffic calming measures. Studies have indicated that speeds drop approximately 15km/h between speed humps and about 20km/h at the hump itself. However, speed humps are not appropriate on every street. The City will not install them on TTC bus routes, and Emergency Services may raise concerns if their response times would be impacted.
The City’s Traffic Calming Policy enables the installation of Traffic Calming measures – speed humps and cushions on local and collector roadways and speed bumps in laneways. Learn more about Learn more about the City of Toronto's Traffic Calming Policy.